My 2018 yearly recap:
I kept debating whether to do a yearly recap, a NYE reflection post, or something that just summarized 2018 in general.
But the thing is, I’m still not sure how to explain what the year was like. I went through (what I would describe as) the biggest change/transition that has ever happened in my 26 years of existence. There were moments where I would describe myself as the happiest I’ve ever been, as well as times where I would describe myself as feeling the deepest sorrow I’ve ever felt. Yet throughout the ups and downs, I found the strength to do something I don’t usually do: make myself a priority.

Like many people out there, I’m often crippled by what others will say, how others will feel, or the impact that my actions will have on those around me. I often make decisions based on convenience, popular opinion, or what is considered normal. I frequently choose the safe path of life and often am sacrificing something, usually my own happiness, to do so.
So, I decided to change that.
At one point in the year, I had no home, no car, and was completely broke. I was sleeping between my parents house and my friends couches, unsure of what my next move was. But the point is that I wiped my slate clean, forced myself to look in the mirror, and asked myself, “what do you actually want?”

This year, I found my voice, rediscovered my passions, took risks in my career, and pursued overall wellness harder than I ever have. I drove into the forest and got lost for 10 days. I howled at the moon in the middle of the desert, far from civilization. Beyond that, I cried more than I ever have, laughed harder, and smiled wider.
But most importantly, I’ve discovered how wonderful life is when you learn to love yourself and be your own friend.
What does your yearly recap of 2018 look like?